I don't want anybody to read the title of this post and think that I'm a bad influence or a bad person or a quitter or anything like that,I'm not.I'm just writing this blog post to express my feelings and help anybody else who is in the same position as me.I don;t think it's funny or entertaining that I quit my job and I didn't want it to go to that point,but for the purpose of my own happiness I had to.
The job that I was in was my very first job,which might make it sound even worse,but I did what I thought was right.I worked at Subway as a sandwich artist for 3 weeks and everything I'm saying at the moment is probably just making you think that I can't do work and I'm weak or whatever.I do care a lot about the fact that I just quit because I literally did just walk out and quit and I now have no job.I don't need the job because I'm lucky enough to have my parents,and again,that isn't me being careless and snobby.I'm a really hard worker and I do everything for myself all of the time there for I don't feel like a bad person for doing what I did.
Moving on to the reason that I quit,or the many reasons that I quit.From the very first day I wasn't comfortable working there and I'm just going to say this before anybody starts judging me,I am NOT one of those people who don't like doing hard work or getting my hands messy,I don't mind doing stuff like that at all.I'm sixteen years old and one of the very first things that I was asked to do was operate and bake breads on my own,unsupervised.That's against health and safety regulations and I should obviously not be allowed to do things like that on my first week of working there.The whole place was just dirty and not clean at all either,every single part of it had dust or grease clumped on it which is a shocking thing to say about a place where open food is stored.My manger was very disgusting even though he constantly nagged me about how important cleanliness is.He actually even told me just the other day that he once came into work hungover and there up in the bin just across from the salads.He also cut his finger and let it bleed all over the floor,of course I had to clean it up.
Moving on to the ridiculous openings and closings.I understand that some Subway shops do not need to have more than one person doing opening and closing however I think it's just common sense.See,some how I don't think leaving a sixteen year old on her own on her second week at the job,to do all of the cleaning,serve customers and count the cash in the till is that clever.I was genuinely scared for myself every time I closed the shop due to the fact that I could have slipped,been broken in to,anything.On my very first closing,I did not get home until nine o clock at night time because there were so many things to do.The next day I got a warning because I forgot to do a few little things.The same thing happened on my second closing and it just went on from there.You are generally supposed to finish at around 7 if you're doing a closing,but it is so impossible for anybody,let alone some one who has been working there for a week,to do.
The verbal abuse I got from the person who owned the the phone and by text was so unacceptable and wrong.If you're going to give an employee a disciplinary,you must give them 48 hours notice in writing and offer them a witness,not ring them up and shout at them over the phone,In fact,I knew something was weird before I even started working there.I pretty much got the job as soon as I walked in the door for the interview,got asked for no ID or CV and had 4 unpaid training days.I've only just come to the realisation that I only probably got hired because I'm cheap and easy.I was on minimum wage,which is £3.79 an hour and for the amount of work that I was doing,it just wasn't enough.I've always been against the fact that young workers get paid less due to the fact that if you want somebody to work like an adult,you pay them like an adult.No argument.
You see,the contract (I didn't even sign a contract...) is a zero hour contract,like a lot of fast food franchises.I remember I had to have somebody cover my shift for me one day due to the fact that I had a doctors appointment and my manger was not happy about that.If I'm not mistaken,if you don't want to work on one day,you don't have to.That's what a zero hour contract is.
Now,on the day that I actually quit my job,every thing was fine until the chat with my manager. I'm going to admit I do have a slight attitude problem,which I know there's no excuse for but I'm just the type of person who doesn't take shit from anybody.We went upstairs and he just took me through the things that I needed to improve on like he had done with everyone.There were a few points which I argued with like the closing shifts and operating ovens and stuff and that's when he started telling me that all of the other employees were saying bad things about me.I don't particularly care about what any body thinks about me but it was the fact that I had been so kind and not said a single bad word about any of them,yet they had done that to me and also the fact that my manager actually told me that.Then my manger proceeded to tell me that the owner of the shop was going to fire me and talked about how close she was to letting em go because I was so rubbish,which was the last straw for me.So,I took my cap off,grabbed my bag,and walked away.
I may have some blame in this whole thing but I can say one thing for sure,Subway do not care about their employees.The one and only thing that the company cares about,like all companies,is the money.They hired me because I am cheap to pay even though I am doing the same amount of work and they think they could get a way with it.I'm not weak or childish for quitting my job,it is a really brave thing to just pack up and leave a job just like that.There are some times where I thought they didn't even really care about the customers.The manager was constantly telling me that he changes the date stickers on foods so that they last longer,not weighing up the right amount of meat so that he could save money and belittling customers saying that they should be treated like children.
There are a lot more things that I could say about the company and the three week experience I had there,but I'd be going on forever and ever.There are some people who enjoy things like that and don't care about having to do ridiculous tasks.Some people are totally cut out to work in the fat food industry but not me.The way I was treated in that job was definitely not right,but then again I'm just a sixteen year old girl and what do they care?My advice,do not work for Subway.
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