No,I don't mean the fashion label sadly...I've struggled with my skin ever since I was about twelve years old and I'm still not completely there. My mum always tells me "Leah, everyone has spots" but when I look at my friends, I realise how much of a lie that is. Of course, it's totally normal to have spots now and again but it's not fair that anyone should feel so insecure for years and years. I have tried almost everything in the entire world and spent more money than I can even count on my skin with expensive make-up and skin products. I know that there may not be a natural way to help me for sure but after reading an article on Vogue, I've picked up a few tips.
1. Make-up Wipes
This one's not for me as I've actually never used make up wipes. My Mum has never bought them for me because she says that they're a complete waste of money and she's totally right. I wash my face with water twice a day instead of using make up wipes purely because water really does clean your skin where as using wipes can leave a lot of make-up, dirt and bad stuff on your skin. Switch to water and a bottle of cleanser and save money and your skin.
2. Exercising with make up on
I am a real culprit for this because I never have time to take my make up off but this is possibly one of the worst things you can do. This is simply because if you exercise when you have make up on, the sweat that comes out of your pores will not actually be able to get out because of the make up, there for it becomes blocked inside and clogs up your pores! I never actually realised this even though it seems so simple...
3. Your pillow case
Please can we just all agree on the fact that we probably don't change our bed sheets as much as we should. Yes, your pillow case holds bacteria and other nasty little things that isn't good for your skin or your health all around. Just think, you put your face on the same surface for hours night after night, dirt and oil will collect. Change your pillow case.
4. Make-up Brushes
Unless you use your fingers to do all of your make up ( you don't do that) then your make up brushes are probably kinda gross. I have now resorted to cleaning my brushes weekly just because I've become super paranoid about them being clean but you don't really need to do it that regularly. Just giving them a little scrub once in a while will help you out a lot. It's really satisfying too because you realise that your make up brush actually has a colour other than orange. Just me? Whatever.
5. Your Hair
Got a fringe? Cut it. No I'm totally joking, don't do that. I've only ever had a full fringe once and it didn't last long because I have super curly hair but I know from hearing other people's experience that it can increase your acne chances. If you have a fringe, do not neglect your forehead and be sure that you wipe any excess hairspray or hair products from that area because harsh chemicals will definitely damage your skin.
Those are the big ones but you can also help out your skin by drinking more water and maybe changing your skin care routine. Never settle for bad skin!!!
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