Here we go again with the nasty winter dry lips syndrome.I don't know if people who live in warmer countries ever suffer with this but people in the UK do a lot when it's cold (which is pretty much all of the time,honestly).My dry lips may have something to do with the fact that I wear matte lipsticks almost on a daily basis but I cannot blame that due to the fact that shiny lips are not cool any more.
It seems that when you get dry lips it just appears all of a sudden.For example,I was at work yesterday doing absolutely nothing and out of no where I felt my lips drying up and cracking.What was the worst part?I had no lip balm.I came home and it just so happened that my little brother,my Dad and my Mum all have dry lips too,so maybe I can continue to wear those matte lipsticks after all,thank God.Something that can't continue however is those gross dry lips;they need to go.Luckily,I have a great natural remedy to banish the kingdom of cracked lips and here it is.

You have probably heard that sugar is good for ex foliating and getting rid of dead skin cells and the truth is,it is! At first I thought that sugar would be way to rough for my sensitive skin but I've been using it for ages now and one thing that I know for sure is that it works wonders on dry lips.
You have probably heard that sugar is good for ex foliating and getting rid of dead skin cells and the truth is,it is! At first I thought that sugar would be way to rough for my sensitive skin but I've been using it for ages now and one thing that I know for sure is that it works wonders on dry lips.
I bet you thought this was going to be some complicated recipe with ingredients you can only find in Thailand.It's not.All you need to do is mix about two teaspoons of olive oil with a teaspoon of sugar and then massage it into your lips for about 3-5 minutes.I would do this daily until your dry lips are all gone.You can also use this on your face and the rest of your body.A bunch of news stories came out last year about the 59 year old model Yasmina Rossi who is absolutely flawless (look it up) and one of the main things that she says she does weekly is massage her skin with sugar and oil.If it makes a fifty nine year old woman model material,it's going to work for you.Of course,just doing this won't make you twenty years younger over night however it's worth a try.
One thing that you have to remember to do is moisturise your lips all year round and not just when it gets cold because then you'll suffer,just like me.I have so many different lip balms and chap sticks but I've picked my best three at reasonable prices.
1. Burt's Bees Beeswax Lip Balm - £4.00 M&S
2. EOS Smooth Sphere Vanilla - £5.95
3. Mango Lip Butter - £.4.00 The Body Shop
If you're not into fancy balms and butters,a pot of good old Vaseline works beautifully.
no copyright intended,links to photos attached onto them,if you own these photos and do not want them published on this blog please contact me
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