Mothers Day Gifts Using an Ice Cube Tray

So,Mothers Day is coming up and I cannot be the only one who doesn't have a clue what to get my Mum.She already has everything she could need or want.I did ask her but she gave me the 'No,I don't want anything!' lie.So,I took my search to the internet and found a very interesting article on things that you can do with just an ice cube tray and it gave me a couple of little ideas.

For these you'll only need the ingredients to make these small gifts and a few pretty little ice cube trays (I chose hearts and flowers because they're pretty cute.)

Mini Bath Bombs

This gift is not only extremely cute,they're also very easy to make and they smell and look great with a bit of vanilla and pink coloring.

What you'll need

  • Lemon Juice
  • Baking Soda
  • Sea Salt
  • Vanilla Essence 
  • Pink Food Coloring
I'm not so sure on the exact amounts you'll need for these,as I'm no cook,so I just used a little common sense and stopped adding ingredients when it looked right.
Of course,mix everything together until you have a thick kind of paste and then add the pink coloring.

Then when you have the pink paste,scoop little spoonfuls into your chosen ice tray and make sure they're flat down and properly pushed into the tray.

Then put the tray into the fridge to cool and set.This should take about one or more hours.
Make sure they are properly set before taking them out of the molds otherwise the shapes will collapse.
Then you can either put them into a little box or wrapper,I chose this clear wrapping.
Then you're all done!

Chocolate Heart Strawberries

If you want to give your mum something edible but thoughtful for the day,these are what you're looking for.
This gift is as simple as it sounds,just chocolate and strawberries,where could you go wrong?
For this I chose to make them in heart shaped ice cubes trays because I think it fits the whole theme of the day (and I just really like love hearts.)

What you'll need

  • Heart Shaped Ice Cube Tray
  • Cooking chocolate
  • Strawberries
Firstly,break your chocolate bar into pieces and then put them into a glass bowl.

Then boil some water and pour it into a different bowl.Put the bowl with the chocolate over the hot water bowl and wait for the magic to happen.

Try not to make the same mistake as me by putting too much water in the bowl because it will spill every where and it requires about 50,000 towels to mop up.Whilst the pieces are melting,take your strawberries and cut off all of the green tops.Then cut the strawberries into halves.

When the chocolate is melted,spoon it into the molds.Then take a strawberry and stick it into the chocolate.
Then just put them into the fridge and wait for them to set!

Of course,because the strawberries are fruits,you might want to do this either the day before or on the actual day that you are going to eat them.

If all else fails on these ideas,just go to the shop and buy her the classic box of chocolates and flowers,she'll love it!

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