My Bag

My bag was actually pretty messy,no surprise,so I decided to sort it all out and show y'all what I have hidden inside of it.
I carry my Wreck This Journal with me because I'm supposed to fill it in everywhere I go,however I don't because I completely forget about it.
That little scarf was the first thing I ever bought from a vintage and I call it my 'lucky scarf''.I'm not quite sure why I think it's so 'lucky' but I still carry it with me.I don't know what I'd need it for but I suppose it's just comforting.
I keep another little makeup purse inside my bag for all of this stuff.I have three lip balms in which never get used because I always seem to put another in my pocket before I leave.That's probably why I have no lip balms on my dressing table anymore.

leah x 

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